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Hurtle&Co. Stage 01

20 Mocatta Place Adelaide

Making its debut in 2017, the award winning Hurtle&Co. development series began with the release of Stage 01 at 20 Mocatta Place. Situated in the north-western corner of Hurtle Square, the six storey development features thirty-one apartments - varying from one to three bedrooms – as well as three ground floor studio lofts with park frontage.

The design incorporates projecting balconies and recessed outdoor covered alfresco area, providing deep shadows and presenting a more solid wall masonry aesthetic typical of the older Adelaide masonry building forms in the area.

Showcasing the signature Forme Projex timeless contemporary décor, with spectacular views and generous living spaces, Hurtle&Co. Stage 01 commenced the transformation of boutique living on Hurtle Square.

Click here to visit the Hurtle&Co. website and discover more

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